AIMD Human Relief and Charitable Trust ® is framed to help the penurious individuals to start their business by assisting them with the basic fund which is required to start any business. Thus this move will create opportunities to break out of the cycle of poverty for future generations.
We want to help and support people to be become self-sufficient and we also expect them to earn and help others by supporting them to start their trades.
We accept Zakat, Sadaqah and other donations too. The collected fund will be utilised to provide financial support to the needy ones.
About our Trust
AIMD (All India Middle Class Development) Human Relief and Charitable Trust ® was founded by Ibrahim Mujawar in the year 2021 to provide self-employment to middle class & poor people. We ensure to help general public in their personal finance journeys by paying off their debts and save the borrowers from harassment of all the banks, NBFC & all other systems.
Reason for formation:-
The idea of forming this trust originated in the founder’s attention in the year 2020 when the entire world was going through its toughest times due to the wide spread of pandemic. Many people struggled to recover from the acute infection, there was a lockdown due to the pandemic, when people of his area suffered due to lack of food but no trust reached his area.
No one was helping the poor people of his area. The founder distributed food grains to the people according to his capacity but he was able to help them only for a short time and the help was not enough.
So he decided to form this Trust to help people around different areas by providing them help to start their businesses.
How our trust works:-
We collect money through Sadqa, Zakat, Fisabillah, sadqa fitr, Donations & other and give it to those who deserve it to start their own business or self-employment.
We don’t want to be a one time or continuous provider to the same person by giving them direct money or food rather we want to make them self-employed and help them have their individual stable business so that they can earn their own with respect. And we will help them to set their whole business set up; at whatever time they need aid our help will be there.
We are working for the sake of God and not working to show ourselves to people. Hence we will not Post any video or photo or anything that shows any individual person who is asking for help.
Vision & Mission
The main reason for forming this Trust is to make the society free from all type of Interest. Generate employment opportunities to the middle class and poor people to become financially stable and have basic needs.
- To promote Self-employment and Work opportunities to Un-employed Youths, Boys & Girls.
- To Establish, Maintain & Administer the Technical institutions, professional Colleges (Medical, Engineering, Job Oriented Courses) Hostels and libraries etc.
- To gather information from the Government authorities, regarding the self-employment schemes and help the youths to get benefit of the same.
- To Promote Social, Cultural & Literacy Activities will help in personality development, keeping in conformity to the secular value.
- To establish & run the self-employment courses / short term training courses for the Girls in different skills like Tailoring, Beautician, other professionals & Crafts, etc..
- To establish maintain & run the self-employment courses / short term courses for the boys like Mobile Repairing, computer repairing, Motor cycle repairing, Plumbing, fabricating, wedding, Marketing etc…
- To take up activities so as to improve the physical and mental standard of people by opening Sports Clubs, Gymnasium, and such other organization.
- To take up sanitation and health care activities and conduct the health camps.
- To provide Scholarship, Grants, Prizes and awards for encouraging deserving needy, brilliant, meritorious students.
- To participate in all the Development activities of Government for the development of surrounding areas.
- To provide legal aid to the poor and deserving people and to held the legal aid programs.
- To train the youth with the noble Ideals of tolerance benevolence, humanism and indicate qualities of leadership, Commandership, sportsmanship, with a spirit of dedicate service in life of society and for country.
- To do all the Acts, Deeds and things which are ancillary to achieve the objectives of the trust, which will be decided from time to time by the Board of Trustees.
Get Help
Terms and Conditions
- All submitted documents should be Real and Clear.
- Our officers will verify all details by visiting Home, Bank or other places as required.
- Fund should not be used for any illegal or haram activity.
- Legal Action will be taken in case of any fraud or illegal activity.
- Monthly Report of fund expenditure is required.
- Cheating with customers will not be tolerated.
- We reserve the right to take back all the fund given by us in case if we find anything unusual.
- We will take some time in verification and providing help.
- Final Decision of fund release or fund take back will be made by the President of AIMD (All India Middle Class Development) Trust.
Join Us
Terms and Conditions
- You must be religious.
- You must be honest.
- You must have helping nature.
- You must have basic education.
Donate Us
We collect & distribute all types of amount in various ways. Please read this before contributing to us.
1. Sadqa : only for Muslim’s who are eligible in this.
2. Zakat : only for Muslim’s who are eligible in this.
3. Fisabillah : all muslims who needs this.
4. Sadqa fitr : Only Muslim who are eligible…
5. Donations : For all people who need help.
6. Others: Only all Non-Muslims.
7. Qarz e Hasana: Give us interest free loan.
Before Donating if have any doubts or Query please do not hesitate to contact us.
How to donate
Step 1: Deposit Amount in our Bank.
Step 2: Submit the Donation Form.
Bank Details
BANK: State Bank of India
A/C No: 40621119059
IFSC: SBIN0007905
Founder's Story
This is our founder’s story in his own raw words Ibrahim Mujawar. Growing up in a poor family Ibrahim has experienced and has felt the pain of deprived condition and how poverty can affect a person’s life in all ways.
Brief on my upbringing and childhood days
I did my schooling in Karwar (unity school)- While I was in my then Mother’s home (orphanage) and was only about 8 years old when I joined the orphanage. I did higher school in Hangal by means of the help of my elder brother. Although, I wished to study more but couldn’t due to financial difficulties and with no choice left had to discontinue my study.
Owing to some issues and lack of support I decided to leave my home and went o hubli where I joined a workshop of auto electrical for survival. During those days I merely used to earn 600Rs per month but, that wasn’t sufficient for an individual to live on his own with rents and other expenses so my elder sister helped me and kept me motivated throughout those difficult times.
Nevertheless, soon I really wanted to start my own workshop and like many of us do I tried asking for money but no help came to my way so with no choice left my mother had to sell her gold ornaments for just five thousand rupees as a first investment to get started with my shop. With God’s help I then finally got on track with my first own running shop in partnership with a friend in Yellapur. Even though nothing was easy for me I kept hustling.
As there is a saying ‘Where there is a will there’s a way’
This whole world has got struck by a devastative pandemic where we all have lost something in some way and many has witnessed the worse; we all have come stronger than ever and trying our best every day.
When a person is getting started with any kind of new ventures one requires some help in terms of money or support but usually nobody helps when in need. So, then the only option the person is left with is bank loan. Even I had to borrow money from bank to start my Pvt ltd in the name of AIMD Trading & marketing company in the year 2019 with a thought of providing employment opportunity to less fortunate sections but things didn’t work out as planned due to lack of experience and above all lock down hit hard. Things are on hold for now as I am trying to focus on social work.
All of us wants to become self-dependent but money does matter nobody is there to help for free. Any business or initial efforts requires an initial capital and calculated risk to get started with but Allah says in Quran “Help others to get help from me”. We should all help others without hoping any return from the person and only expect help from Allah that he will send his angels and make things easy for us.
Our prophet (saw) has taught us and has already showed us the right way of living but none of us follow the sunnah and run behind this temporary world.
In order to get recognized in this duniya we forget about our akhirat (after life) getting all busy to impress people of this duniya and losing our iman and becoming weak on sunnah. We have forgotten that if Allah accepts our actions and dua that one moment will change everything not even only will get a better life in this dua but also in akhirat and that’s something we all should goal for as a Muslim and as a whole humanity.
We need to look for our best version everyday but how do we do that? Reading our religious book with meaning and accepting those with context can direct us in a good way of living but it is a process not a one-day magic. With discipline all things are possible
I firmly believe in the concept of self-employment for getting started as profession, our ancestors have also followed the same kind of concept I personally love the idea of make in India. We all Indians should think and work on it. And to support your business we as a trust is going to help you.
I have personally been through the situation where it gets challenging to look for that initial support whether in terms of man power or finance. I have then decided to go for this and make one trust for those who are in crisis or in hardship situation but want to achieve their dream and provide them a stable earning way so they can get started as a self-employer. Be responsible for guidance so that they don’t repeat the mistake which I did.
When it gets challenging
Ever thought of making a mistake before even solving a problem? That’s like the worst starting so when a person (Muslim) starts his business with a loan taken from bank, NBFC or any other way which has an interest to it then how can we reach our destination and expect Barakah.
In Islam we have so many options to help others but we do not have any information of those routes so through this trust I am going to make people aware of those routes and change the mindset of people.
Everything is possible when we are united regardless of the religion or political differences. We are each other’s harvest; we are each other’s business; we are each other’s magnitude and bond – Gwendolyn Brooks
When we as a business are starting with haram backing, by what means our dua will get Qubool, so after discussing with scholars the idea of forming this trust really got its shape.
But I knew it can’t be only me thinking on this topic and after doing some research I found there’s a lack of method, plan and execution. I’m going to re-introduce our old pattern (Baitul Maal) keeping today’s marketplace in mind.
Actually, the thought of this idea came in the year 2020- during the first lockdown. When people of my area suffered the extreme but nobody’s help got to our area.
The Gram panchayat had lent a hand but it wasn’t sufficient to complete the needs of all. I distributed some food grains and some money to people at my best capability but I could just provide them for short time until I was out of my capacity.
And as a result of that incident, I decided to form this trust and provide a way of self-employment. I proposed my idea to some considerable people so that we can get started with diversity but nobody showed enough interest.
So, in the end I decided to go ahead with this with me my wife and my mother-in-law.
To conclude, this trust is in front of you all. If any one of you or your friends and family need help in regards to the things mentioned please do not hesitate to contact us or reach personally to us regardless of the faith race or anything. We welcome diversity and are here to help you.
If any person wants to join our trust as a volunteer, we welcome you with all our heart. We can’t reach to maximum people without manpower support.
Now I’m 33 and has faced all kinds of challenges some are still on the way but now I’m in a much stable condition. I never stayed in my comfort zone. I always tried to achieve more, and each & every time Allah always support me.
I will never forget my roots. I hope we all can help each other and unite once again as a humanity.